protest, rickymay style
No JP, I wasn’t serious, but I was serious about my expression. I’ve been disappointed with the news I hear from the states. I can’t believe we would actually consider drilling offshore. Even if we make it a state decision, do we want to follow this line of thought?! As if placing our coasts at even greater risk of environmental devastation (or more correctly, accelerating the current devastation) at the risk of finding a slight amount of oil that will barely benefit world markets, not the US market. It seems a sad, pathetic attempt to delay the inevitable, to hold on to a life that is gone. It will also perpetuate the idea that there isn’t a problem and that we don’t need to dramatically change our behavior and thinking. “No problem; everything is pretty and happy” is a little too Chinese-government for me.
I’m just a little sick and tired of American sloth and laziness. I don’t see it as the other guys’ problem either. I get pictures from my family in the states and they all just get fatter and fatter. Another picture, more fat. The US–none of us on this planet–can afford to think like that anymore. We are not an island in this world. Politically, economically, culturally, socially, etc. We are not an island. How can we possibly delude ourselves into thinking that we are somehow due an unending life of luxury, free of charge?!
So my posts of late have been a kind of protest. A rickymay-style protest of the attitudes and behavior I see and hear in the US and the world. We are spending our children’s future. We are giving them greater and greater pressures and burdens. Each generation, more weight to bear. It’s selfish. In relation to generational ties, I agree that we start to think of our lives, not in terms of cradle to grave, but in terms of cradle to cradle.