A French fashion designer once said that a hat is to a man what a woman is to love. Everyone knows that hats are cool and my situation is no...
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the shoes
A famous Italian fashion designer once said that the shoes make the man. I'm made of a rubber coated, dead cow skin that was originally designed for...
trivia tuesday night
I gotta new thing on Tuesday nights. After my time spent on the 12th floor of the BC at LiangMaDaSha, I head down the street to Schindlers...
call me rick o'shay
OK so the love of my life and best friend told me that my blog is political and scary. This blunt and brutal honesty is accepted only because of...
divinity by the slice
Sounds crazy to those who haven't traveled internationally but a meal of authentic home style cooking can be a godsend. Kro's Nest pizza is a good...
you evil, evil axis!
Travelling to another city in China this weekend and I'm on a bus that is taking me from the airport terminal to the plane when I see an airline...
my favorite flavor: government of the people
www.change.gov is Obama's transitional government website. Goto www.change.gov and click on "tell us your story" and there you can leave your ideas...
yeah i agree with the republican
Recently, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wrote an article in the New York Times about the U.S. Auto industry. Although he...
put the dumb animal out of its misery
Detroit automakers are having financial trouble. Again. Why? Because they're Americans and Americans don't give a damn. I say let the dead fruit...
the beautiful death
I have a different understanding of autumn. Most people see the leaves change colors and fall to the ground, and they celebrate the beautiful...