Back from Hong Kong. News from the states isn't good. Reminds me of 9/11 in that the victims represent a cross section of the US: Indian, Cuban,...
Category: Daily Living
Hey. Going to Hong Kong tomorrow morning. Will be awake by 5 am to catch the 7:50 flight to Shenzhen. I hope that's enough time. I'll only have...
Happy Easter. My Dad came home from rehab this past weekend so this religious holiday of birth and renewal has particularly special meaning for me...
Hello and welcome back! Gee I was gone from here for too long a time, but I admit that was due to fear. I was procrastinating about having to...
I've been busy doing teaching stuff lately. For some reason, I'm not getting sound sleep at night. Going to Shenyang for Friday and Saturday. I'm...
I had the roughest day yesterday. Woke up sincerely depressed. Not the gee I feel-bad kind, but the I should be on prescription meds kind. I was...
7 March
Today's lunch was prepared by a friend of my roommate. From Canada, Renee is a film artist who made up some Indian curry with pumpkin and peas. It...
first day
Finished my first day of classes today. Actually I only had 1 class and it was a group of professionals at a local office of an international...
Woke up today to snow on the ground. Here's a picture of the view from my room. It looks dreary but it's not as sad as the Shenyang winter if only...
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