“Why the Defense Department wanted to do a photo-op right around the site of the World Trade Center catastrophe defies imagination...”NYC Mayor...
Category: Daily Living
they know my president reads
You can read for yourself the reports of Obama's reception at the Summit of the Americas, where the Organization of American States met to discuss...
fun with dick and sniper
see Rich sailsail Rich sailsee pirates comingrun Rich runpirates board shipdumb pirates dumbpirate points gunrich is unhappysniper points gunpirate...
P90X workout day 14
ancient history; primitive thinking
A friend sent me a blog about the shakedown of the elites. The link is
born an addict
For the first time since my return to Beijing, I've a hankerin' to write here. Sadly, It's due to bad news: the shooting at the American Civic...
P90X workout day 2
country roads, take me home
On my way to the land of the free and home of the brave. As usual, I'm hoping I make the flight.
first cut is the deepest
美国总统奥巴马第一次电视采访向阿拉伯联合酋长国杜拜的电视台"Al-Arabiya." O's first televised interview was for Dubai-based Al-Arabiya. picture used without permission