A friend sent me a blog about the shakedown of the elites. The link is
Year: 2009
ancient history; primitive thinking
born an addict
For the first time since my return to Beijing, I've a hankerin' to write here. Sadly, It's due to bad news: the shooting at the American Civic...
P90X workout day 2
country roads, take me home
On my way to the land of the free and home of the brave. As usual, I'm hoping I make the flight.
first cut is the deepest
美国总统奥巴马第一次电视采访向阿拉伯联合酋长国杜拜的电视台"Al-Arabiya." O's first televised interview was for Dubai-based Al-Arabiya. picture used without permission
happy 牛 year!
祝您新年快乐!吉祥如意!There's nothing in the world like Spring Festival in China.It should be on your life's TO DO list because it's a celebration on a grand...
the first was his
Happy Birthday Blog 6 years ago on Martin Luther King day, I began this blog.* * * Here's my January 20, 2003 blog:you do not have to...
The Chinese say "在家靠父母.出门靠朋友" for good reason. I went to my chiropractor this morning. Decided to take a taxi.I spoke to the taxi driver in my...