Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. My father would rightly say something so simple about the current bunk about the dead British drug trafficker...
Year: 2009
the wind has made this old tree stronger
The students in one of my classes indirectly criticized me deeply and disheartened me in a way I've never been before in China. It wasn't only a...
I've missed Beijing. Back in the capital and happy to be here.
freak of the week, forever and ever
Sitting here at 4 am in my top floor digs, wondering how I can say what I want to say in a friendly, harmonious way. As an American, it's difficult...
the silent majority
women's rights are human rights. why is the world not seeing more support and cohesion among this gender? does it always have to be in coffee...
what's selling for journalism
After returning home from a rushed weekend of work and preparation for more work, I caught up on news around the globe and stopped at
happy birthday mom
Happy birthday to the world's coolest mom.
military intelligence
“Why the Defense Department wanted to do a photo-op right around the site of the World Trade Center catastrophe defies imagination...”NYC Mayor...
they know my president reads
You can read for yourself the reports of Obama's reception at the Summit of the Americas, where the Organization of American States met to discuss...
fun with dick and sniper
see Rich sailsail Rich sailsee pirates comingrun Rich runpirates board shipdumb pirates dumbpirate points gunrich is unhappysniper points gunpirate...