feast for all

Please consider donating some time to your favorite charity. When you think that you no longer make a difference or you have nothing to offer, volunteer and you will realize how vital and necessary you are to the world around you. Just a few hours of your time every now and then can forever change the lives of the people around you and will make you feel pretty terrific.
One of my favorite films is about a man who wants to kill himself. Through his misery and despair, this man wants to take his own life because he sees himself as a failure in life. He believes himself to be a valueless incompetent and he is gravely disappointed with himself. However, this man has only his 2 eyes with which to see his life. There are many more eyes around him, witnessing him and his life. These eyes belong to his family, friends and neighbors, and these eyes are lit with hope. These eyes do not see a person without worth or value. These eyes are grateful to this man because he is someone who has changed their lives for the better. This desperate man had somehow empowered the people around without ever seeing it.
No, he doesn’t take his life. Instead, he and his audience get to peak into the world as it would have been had this man never been born. The charming story told reveals a man surprised at the fact that he is worth something and that he can make a difference in the world and this film and its story has become an American classic. It is typically and frequently shown at this time of the year, and with appropriate reason. You can make a difference. You do mean something to someone. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that or maybe you haven’t heard it in a while. Maybe you just need to rediscover that for yourself. Maybe you have worth and value that you can’t see–but that others would. Volunteering is a simple yet powerfully effective way for you to see yourself as other people do.