poland's ascension to the eu
As proclaimed on the European Union (EU) website: “Saturday May 1 will mark one of the most important days in recent European history. The accession of ten new member states to the European Union signifies the re-unification of Europe and the ending of the artificial divisions of the last century.” (reference: http://www.eu2004.ie/templates/news.asp?sNavlocator=66&list_id=621)
Congratulations to Poland! As of May 1, it is a member of the European Union. After centuries of invasion, division, occupation, and foreign rule, our ancestral land has become a sovereign part of a world economic powerhouse. Technology, finance, commerce, and trade are more or less standardized so each member nation can enjoy the combined power and support of other member nations. This will help to ensure peace and prosperity for future generations of Poles.
This is really exciting, and I’d urge you to visit the EU web site.
Bóg błogosławi Polska,
Related links you may want to visit:
Learn about the EU (http://europa.eu.int/abc/index_en.htm)
EU’s May 1 enlargement homepage (http://europa.eu.int/eday_en.htm)
Poland’s EU site (http://www.eu2004.ie/templates/standard.asp?sNavlocator=6,29,53)